Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Alcohol Free Week: Day 2

Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Second day without alcohol...

Last night was rough. I got home at 12:50 AM, after making three pointless transfers on a subway that was never going to get me home (isn't this what drunk people do?). When I realized this, I decided to walk two miles. Now, most people would probably think that walking two miles and not drinking is a giant leap in the right direction. I disagree.

I got home and went on the Internet (yay for using the Internet after a week in the dark!). At 3:30 AM, I made my way to my bed. When I got into bed, I was not tired so I decided to read. Reading usually makes me sleepy. However, last night, reading made my brain race around. I had an orgy of ideas flying around in my brain. I should have gotten up and written everything in my notebook, but I figured if I fought this urge that I would sleep (wrong).

I have already realized the saving grace of alcohol. Alcohol clears my mind. Alcohol does not allow me to think (well I do think about boobs and more alcohol, but it does not let me think rationally). Alcohol does keep me saner. At least it makes me act and think normally (it allows me to think irrationally).

I need a drink. I don't want to think about what is going to happen in the next six days.

I survived day one... onto day two. Don't worry, day two is only kickball day*.

*Kickball involves two things: kickball and alcohol. Alcohol is the more important of the two.



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