Saturday, April 4, 2009

Master of Temptation

I Am Too Good For This
Either my challenges are too easy for me or I have become the ultimate master at sacrifice and perseverance. Probably my challenges are too easy, but I can dream.

Eating In With Food Brought From Outside
On Thursday, my roommates went driving to "the best" pizza in the world. Some old man and his daughter hand-make some crazy pizza with super fresh ingredients. I believe he cuts the basil that is growing in the window and puts it right on your pizza. I was invited, but with my strong will I declined (that or I had to work too late and they went without me).

Friday morning, I woke up and was told that they brought me a piece. I ate the slice with the logic that it was in my house, paid for by someone else, and I was hungry. The hungry thing did not really do anything with me eating it, just the other two facts.

The Real Battle

Friday night, I went to help some friends do some unnameable work. I was supposed to eat before I left so I would not get hungry, but I forgot. I helped out anyway and started getting hungry. After a while, they asked me if I wanted a PB&J. Score! I made two and we finished up.

PB&J is always good, but not always filling. After the work was done, we headed next door to the bar restaurant. We sit and order beer. I look at the menu. It looks good. I feel hungry. The server comes and my friends order hamburgers. I order nothing.

I had one more beer and then headed home before I starved. Victory was mine and I did not need to eat deep-fried mac and cheese.

24 hours remain. Time to go out and test my powers.



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