Sunday, May 17, 2009

Run To Work Week

Bike To Work Day
Last Friday, May 15th, was one of my sister's birthdays and it was also Bike To Work Day. There were people with free food being handed out in the morning to bicycle commuters. The weather was beautiful. I slept while all these people brought out their bikes and rode to work. I did not ride my bike to work on Bike To Work Day (I had the day off and did call my sister to say, "Happy Birthday!").

Anyway, I may have missed Bike To Work Day, but May is still Bike Month here in NYC (and my birthday month which I celebrate year round). In honor of Bike Month and missing Bike To Work Day, I am going to run to work everyday this week. Not take the subway, not drive a car, not ride a bus, and definitely not ride a bicycle. Something much simpler and even more environmentally safe.

No blood for oil!
Hey bike idiots, rubber is made from petroleum which is from oil and bicycle tires are made from rubber. However, my shoes are made from bamboo or something and definitely do not have a rubber sole, because I am super environmentally sustainable (even if my shoes were made with rubber, they have less rubber than tires and people who ride bikes have both tires, tubes, and shoes made with rubber... therefore I win).

Seven days (five workdays) of running three miles each way. When I am done I will have run 30 miles.

Maybe this is a bad idea.


Friday, May 8, 2009

Bless The Yes

Am I enjoying yes week? YES.

The first day of saying yes, I forgot I was saying yes. Luckily, it was unnecessary and I attempted to say yes, but the person later turned down my yes response.

The second day was a little more fulfilling. At work I was asked if I would transfer stores.

Actually, I will just do a list of things I said yes to and if it worked out for better or worse:


Moving stores for work and getting demoted: worse.
Buying drinks for Jeff: good, except economically.
Giving wet willies to girls for Matt: good for entertainment and I received one back which helped clean my ear.
Buying a random girl a drink because Jeff told her the secret: okay, she gave me $5 for feeling bad.
Asked to buy a sandwich: failed, too drunk.

Being asked to stay at my store and keeping my job: good, plus my boss now actually knows I am good at what I do.
Being invited to a grilled cheese party: awesome.
Being invited to a bar while watching Back to the Future: okay, but I was a little hungover from Jeff making me buy him drinks the night before.

Asked to get coffee from the store up the street: good, because I got cinnabuns out of it.
Offered beer and pizza after work: amazing.
Offered beer in exchange for helping out at a friend's store: good.

Invited to go to a bank and eat breakfast on the way: good food and a beautiful day to be outside.
Invited to see Star Trek: AWESOME. Star Trek > Star Wars.

That about sums my week thus far. I must say saying yes seems to be a highly winning situation. Especially when you say yes to something you want to say no to, but then the person changes their mind.

Only two more days of saying yes. Do I want to have a party in my backyard tomorrow? YES.


Monday, May 4, 2009


A Challenge Involving Jim Carey? YES!
YES, YES, YES, and YES! My friends, Harjit and Andy suggested that I do a challenged based on the movie YES MAN starring Jim Carey. At first I was hesitant to this challenge, but then I started watching the movie and I wanted to say YES to life (I did make a few suggestions about saying yes to everything before saying yes to the challenge, because at that time I had the option)!

Just Say NO!

Usually I have a challenge where I say no to something, but this week is very much the opposite. I say yes to almost everything. My obvious objections will be giving away free stuff at work (SPOILER ALERT! although in the movie Carl gave his customers everything they asked for) or anything that will potentially get me fired at work. Then, there were my personal objections of not eating meat or taking unwanted drugs (mostly stuff like dieting pills that can kill me or VIAGRA that will give me even more raging boners than I get without the drug). If you see me during this week, please do not make a fool of yourself and offer me dumb things that break my first rule of challenges which states I will not do anything that can do serious harm or kill me.

Yes And...

I am almost hesitant to post that I am going to do this for a week, because in the movie (SPOILER ALERT!) Carl gets into trouble when that girl (I already forgot her name) finds out that he was just saying yes to everything including doing stuff with her. I fear that posting it will give people the option to use and abuse me (but who am I kidding, nobody really reads this blog). Will I have one more drink? Yes. Will I make you a sandwich? Yes. Will I let you borrow $5? Yes. Will I allow you to give me a blowjob? Yes. Will I move in with you? Eh... Yes. Will I let you move in with me? Yes. Will I take heroine? NO. Will I be your best friend in the whole wide world? Yes. Will I lie? Yes. Will I make it seven days with only (except the exceptions) saying yes? YES!

In seven days I will have become a Yes Men. Then I will travel the world pretending to be someone I am not and give grand speeches about McDonald's reusing human waste to feed people in third world countries. Oops, wrong movie.
