Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Eating In

As it turns out nobody knows anything about pagers and one week is not enough time to impulsively buy something that you cannot impulsively buy. Using a pager is on the short list with other things like Karaoke for a week (which I doubt will happen anytime soon, unless I feel like binge drinking for a week).

This week is even more exciting! Exciting for my wallet, so I can buy cool things later.

I am going to go seven days without eating out. I shall be preparing food at home for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. No being lazy and buying delicious food from places like Taco Bell and the Chinese buffet.

I was told that the best way to bring food to work was to get a sweet lunch box, so if anyone can find me this lunch box please tell me:


Thursday, March 26, 2009

143 Pagers 823

Mobile technology has been stampeding through our lives, leaving nothing sacred. The technology on my cell phone shows me the weather and makes me bring a jacket for when it is going to rain. It also can be used to transfer money to different accounts so I do not get ridiculous fees. It gives me locations, directions, photos, music, a flashlight, and dice.

There comes a time in every person's life when they must say, "this is my life and I want to live it!" I have reached this point. I want to get caught in the rain. I want to overdraw my account. I want to get lost. I want to wander in the dark. And when it comes to making a hard decision, I want to act on a whim and not ask the dice gods their opinion.

In order for me to get my life back, I must say no to my iPhone and yes to a pager. The only problem is that finding information about pagers seems to be near impossible.

Does anyone have information on how I can obtain a pager for a week and actually be able to live?


Monday, March 23, 2009

Gratuitous "Artsy" Shot

Gratuitous "Artsy" Shot, originally uploaded by alandicksonslife.

We should probably buy more than one pot and one pan, because our sink looks like this a lot.


Saturday, March 21, 2009

On Adelphi St in Fort Greene

Who would I be if I did not represent my block in my photos?

Adelphi St in Fort Greene! Brooklyn!


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Copyrights and Ownership

John Gets Mad

Here is "my" photograph for today. I made it with seven photographs from my camera. However, I did not push the trigger on the camera. I simply owned the camera and the memory card, so when I returned home the photographs loaded onto my computer.

Who Owns The Rights?
My friend Henry snapped the photos, but I owned the media. Does he have copyright protection? Does my ownership of the media override his copyright? At what point is something you created yours and when point can it become mine? Had I never uploaded this picture, could he still come and claim that it is his? In other words, do you own copyright protections for things you do not know exist?

There is probably some legal jargon out there explaining the technicalities, but I just thought it was worth noting. Perhaps, I should look into it and keep you updated.

[I think John's anger in the animation was caused by this conundrum.]

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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

advertising v. graffiti

advertising, originally uploaded by alandicksonslife.

I was going to go out for a run tonight and bring my camera with me. Instead, I ate too much Chinese food and watched the Biggest Loser.

Here is my photo. I took it two weeks ago or so in the Fulton stop on the G line in NYC.

What do you think about graffiti v. advertising?
How about ugly grammar and misspelled words?


Monday, March 16, 2009

Chris In Bed

Chris In Bed, originally uploaded by alandicksonslife.

First photo for the week. My roommate offers his skills. In this photo he is watching some TV through SlingBox on his computer.


Photo Challenge

I got a new camera this week, a Nikon D200. Since I have been really lazy about typing out posts, I am just going to take a new picture to post everyday this week. Maybe I will even take more, but let's not get carried away. If I do not post a picture everyday, somebody please yell at me.


One Day, One Photograph
Seven Days, Seven Photographs


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Let The Sunshine In

Nothing can brighten a week like going to work and receiving a superhero picture of yourself made by co-workers (friends).

Enjoy your week!

"Sunshine" Dickson

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Monday, March 2, 2009

Yay Snow! Yay Cold Weather! (No Complaints Here)

Today, I woke up to a phone call from a friend's friend who I believe is a rental agent in Miami. We briefly discussed what my plans are for moving to the subtropical paradise. Then, I got out of bed and looked outside to see seven inches of snow covering my backyard. The weather here is currently 24 degrees, but feels like 6. In Miami, the weather is currently 62 degrees and feels like 62 degrees. It is winter, so I do not expect it to be warm; I am simply just stating facts (and for my family, no I am not using tone while doing so).

Yesterday, I watched a video, posted by a friend, of Louis CK joking (explaining life, but since he is a comedian I think it is joking) about how we have a better life, but we are not happy and in fact more ungrateful. Here is the clip:


I am going to be happy in honor of Louis CK, my flight to California this week, watching the Watchmen, a big influx of money, snow days, and Catholics giving up something to understand how grateful they are to have it.* Not just happy, but I am going to not be negative. This is not saying I will be super positive like self-help books, but I will be in a positive/neutral non-negative mood. I am not called "Sunshine" Dickson at work for nothing, so this should not be too hard for me (even though it is below freezing half this week and I hate being cold**).

Enjoy your week! I am going to really enjoy mine.

For more information about being happy, please check out this, this, and this.

*Except those Catholics who use lent as a second New Year's Resolution. They give up cigarettes or something that is bad for them. They give up something that they want to quit forever and not just be without for 40 days. I do not think this was the original plan of lent, but whatever it is not my loss of life that spurred it all.

**Sorry that was my last hate reference this week. I will now only state facts. It is cold. The cold makes me not want to go outside. There is not much to do inside. I am so happy thinking about warm weather. YAY!

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