Sunday, January 11, 2009

Playing God or Living Like Jesus?

Playing God
Frankenstein, medicine, cloning, genetic engineering, etc. blame humans of playing God. The first Designer Babies have been created and once again humans are up in arms.

What Would Jesus Do?

Would Jesus create Designer Babies? Do we really care what Jesus would do? If Jesus is the Lord (a.k.a. God) in the form of man and acting or playing like God is wrong, then asking "What Would Jesus Do?" is a rhetorical question, no? If it is not, are we not supposed to do what Jesus would do, because that is wrong?

Playing Jesus
What needs to be understood is that we are approaching abilities similar to Jesus. Jesus is adored for healing the sick. We soon (or already) will be able to give vision to the blind, feed many with nothing (or give them diet pills so they are no longer hungry), fix ears (especially when crazy boxers bite them off), and many more. Yet, people consider this to be a bad thing?

Creating Jesus
Frankenstein was able to create a man in fiction, but we can almost create a new Jesus. If time travel becomes real, we can give the past two Jesus Christs (that is if there ever was a real mangod who performed miracles, that is not my new Jesus from the future). Basically, we take a virgin, get a clone embryo from God (myself), put the embryo in the virgin, put the virgin in the time machine, and send her to the year 1 BC.

Bingo, Jesus Christ Superstar!

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