Monday, December 29, 2008

George W. Bush Changed the World

Many look at George W. Bush as a failure; I do not (and Condoleezza Rice does not). During George W. Bush's terms, these amazing things happened:

The First Gay Marriage in the USA. Although, George W. Bush wanted to stop it with a Constitutional Amendment (then again President Clinton signed the Defense of Marriage Act, which stated marriage is between one man and one woman).

Americans become more environmentally friendly. The first hybrid car is sold in the US. Al Gore campaigns to instill fear in each American about global warming. However, George W. Bush figured that the US did not need to ratify the Kyoto Protocol. Global Warming and other science was a joke to George W. Bush.

America became intelligent (well, it liked to pretend it did). Intelligent Design tried to combat science and take down the theory of evolution. Thanks to the battle against evolution, the Flying Spaghetti Monster made its first appearance in 2005. Pastafarians everywhere rejoiced.

House prices drop drastically. Some people are having trouble selling houses they do not want, but this could be because everyone now owns a house due to low prices, right?

Lots of people now have more free time
(they also have a little less money). How would you like a day off? How about a month? Maybe a year might be a good amount to get your life situated. Many employers are giving their workers time off (forever).

Truth is replaced by truthiness
. Thanks to George W., Stephen Colbert created the term truthiness:

Thank you George W. Bush for CHANGE!

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