Sunday, April 26, 2009

Tacos Son De Españoles

Mi Español Está Perfecto
Mi challenge está done. I pratico(ed) mi español y come(ed) tacos.

Practicing Spanish in your apartment is awkward. You sit on your computer speaking a non-native language and it pretends it cannot understand you, so you repeat and repeat and repeat words. My computer thinks I cannot say Hola o Adiós. I think my computer is dumb. I sometimes change the tone of my voice and try to sound like a girl (since my voice is so manly and deep); this sometimes pleases my stupid computer.

Another downfall to my RosettaStone is that they forgot to put in a question mark that is upside down, which are one of my favorite parts to Español (¡!¡!¡the other being upside down exclamation marks!¡!¡!).

Español A Mi Trabajo
The two weeks I spent practicing Spanish on my computer mounted to a handful of hours, but this barely explains my Spanish studies. At work, I think I have become el gringo que habla español, because I have Spanish speakers ignore my co-workers and point that they want me to help them. They wait patiently while I finish dealing with whatever I am dealing with and then they say one word in Spanish, like gommas o camara (camera?). Very difficult stuff that is not for the faint of heart. I then proceed to explain prices and always mention "más tax," because they always pretend that their former country has nothing remotely similar to tax and I am obviously running a scam by "charging" them tax. Oh well, this is the price I get for being famous in the Spanish speaking bike delivery guy world.

I made seven days with tacos easily. I believe I averaged 4-5 tacos daily. I could probably last another 357 days of eating tacos before I felt I needed a break (yes, just one day short of a year).

Here are some examples of my tacos:

Tacos Buenos

Salsa Picante

Tortilla, Frijoles, Arroz, y Salsa Picante = Taco

¡Taco Más Grande Con Aguacate!

I think my next dinner is going to seem bland and boring. Eating tacos every night just makes me want to eat more of them. I am probably going to start Tacos Anonymous next week after I begin overdosing.

If you wish to contribute to my taco addiction, my birthday is Saturday May 2nd. Please ask for my address to send me tacos by mail, thanks!

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Monday, April 20, 2009

Tacos Tuesday Times Ten (Minus Three)


It was bound to happen at some point. I was so busy with my promotion at work and the weather getting warmer (and drinking for 9 hours straight... two days in a row). In honor of my failure, I have decided to double the pleasure and double the fun. I am not only redoing Spanish speaking week, but I will also be starting eating tacos week (since taco night was what started the whole Spanish thing in the first place and I had eaten tacos for three days in a row).

Seven days, at least seven tacos and at least seven hours of Spanish (or something like that).

Quiero tacos. Estoy comiendo tacos. Yum.

Ahora necesito estudiar español. Adíos.

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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tacos, Tecate, Tequilla, Telemundo, y Tetas

Para siete diás, yo hablo y escribo español. I will also speak and write in English, so I do not get fired from work (las otras personas might not compredenme as well).

Tacos, Telemundo, y Tetas

Tonight rocked it. I solamente called my food Spanish names. Nosotros comimos tacos. Yo miré television con mujeres bonitas, pero los hombres were creepy (there were many rape scenes and a few scenes with old men with two or three younger mujeres around them and besé-ing).

Esa Semana
Mañana y toda la semana, I am going to work on mi español con Rosetta Stone. I am almost done with my first "lesson." My real challenge is going to be doing at least one hour a day or equivalent to seven hours this week of pratico mi español. Entonces, a mi trabajo, yo hablo con mis mechanicos y mis customers quien hablan español.

Siete diás of Spanish speaking and maybe swearing...

"¡Mama yema!"

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Saturday, April 4, 2009

Master of Temptation

I Am Too Good For This
Either my challenges are too easy for me or I have become the ultimate master at sacrifice and perseverance. Probably my challenges are too easy, but I can dream.

Eating In With Food Brought From Outside
On Thursday, my roommates went driving to "the best" pizza in the world. Some old man and his daughter hand-make some crazy pizza with super fresh ingredients. I believe he cuts the basil that is growing in the window and puts it right on your pizza. I was invited, but with my strong will I declined (that or I had to work too late and they went without me).

Friday morning, I woke up and was told that they brought me a piece. I ate the slice with the logic that it was in my house, paid for by someone else, and I was hungry. The hungry thing did not really do anything with me eating it, just the other two facts.

The Real Battle

Friday night, I went to help some friends do some unnameable work. I was supposed to eat before I left so I would not get hungry, but I forgot. I helped out anyway and started getting hungry. After a while, they asked me if I wanted a PB&J. Score! I made two and we finished up.

PB&J is always good, but not always filling. After the work was done, we headed next door to the bar restaurant. We sit and order beer. I look at the menu. It looks good. I feel hungry. The server comes and my friends order hamburgers. I order nothing.

I had one more beer and then headed home before I starved. Victory was mine and I did not need to eat deep-fried mac and cheese.

24 hours remain. Time to go out and test my powers.


Thursday, April 2, 2009

Beans Beans the Magical Fruit

Rice and Beans, originally uploaded by alandicksonslife.

Lately, I have been having some problems with dietary substances. What I have been eating has been overloading my systems ability to properly dispose waste. The weird thing is that my diet has not really changed in the last month, so I do not know what is going on.

Magical Fruits
My first day with the challenge was interesting. Like all work days, I woke up late and was really lazy about making food. I usually just shower and eat at work. I had stocked up on some oatmeal to make at work like I sometimes do, so I was fine for breakfast. For lunch, I remembered that I had brought in some beans and rice on Saturday that I had not finished and then I had some bread and PB&J to make sandwiches if I am still hungry.

This seemed like a good plan until I arrived at work and was going to make some oatmeal and saw my beans and rice sitting out unrefrigerated. Sometimes food is okay when left out over night, so I put it in the fridge for later. Later rolled around and I went to open the beans and wow, the mechanics were not happy about the smell. After having the toots without magical fruits, I decided against eating extra-power magical fruits.

Stuck Inside

On a more mature (pronounced ma-tur for those uncivilized) note, I miss my fellow workers at Morgan's Deli, Taco Bell, and the wonderful women at Chinared (I was told by a friend that the sign does not have a space, so it is not China Red). If you did not include my friends and co-workers at the bicycle shop, I would be able to count the number of people I interact with each week (besides customers at the bicycle shop as well) on two hands. Now, I interact with about six, including my two roommates and two ex-co-workers. Basically, I have no friends and these food servers are nice to talk to.

Well enough about how cool I am. I am hungry. Time to make some beans and rice.
